
Week 1 smt 2

at the beginning of this second semester we learned about introducing ourselves to other friends. we were carried away the atmosphere of liquid until laughing freely while studying. do not forget we slightly repeat lessons in the next semester. hehehe pretty fun too yes. after some time walking does not feel we reached the end of this week's meeting and certainly we also do not forget to be assigned by Mrs. Rella 😅. thank you.

week 16

we carry out the UAS and see you on next semester.

week 15

this is the last week of our meeting before doing UAS in semester 1 and disininpula we were given a grid about the english language.

week 14

at this meeting we are ordered to make a dialog between two people about the work related to electrical engineering.

week 13

back again with the presentation materials, this group becomes the last group for the presentation before proceeding to the .

week 12

at this twelfth meeting, this time we learn about vocabulary and tenses.

week 11

still continued with the presentation of the next group with the title of electrical engineering.